Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Patrick Henry Caucus

The Patrick Henry Caucus is dedicated to the ideals established by our Founding Fathers as enshrined in the Declaration of Independence and in the Constitution. The Caucus believes the Constitution is an inspired document and should be adhered to strictly as the Founders intended. We consider the Bill of Rights to be the absolute guarantor of the freedoms specified. The Caucus especially emphasizes the tenth amendment. We affirm that the federal government may exercise only those rights and powers that are specifically granted unto it by the Constitution and no others. We reassert the sovereignty and rights of the individual states. As legislators who adhere to these ideals, we unite as The Patrick Henry Caucus, to take like-minded legislative action to this end.

As citizens, we join with legislators in The Patrick Henry Coalition. The Founding Fathers specified that we, the people, have certain "unalienable rights" including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We believe that all Americans ought to be able to make their own decisions and take personal responsibility for them. Join us is in supporting legislators who will enact legislation that will reclaim state and individual rights.

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